Choonies Save the Aliens - Conclusion

Here is part 2 of the Choonies Alien encounter story, as threatened. The Choonie-Moonies were amongst the first and most decorated of the early Soviet cosmonauts and as such are bound by the Code of Space to help cosmic travelers in distress. The photo is their brother, Secret Agent Puppy McDonut of Odessa, Ukraine, in one of his many disguises.

                                             Choonie-Moonies Save the Aliens – Part 2

The Choonie-Moonies have travelled to the Forbidden Zone to investigate strange sightings in the Chernobyl Forest. But instead of discovering a resurgence amongst their ancient friends, they have encountered little aliens and their crashed pale blue saucer. Now Choonies were once brave and honored cosmonauts and respect the Code of Space. They are immediately ready to help, as they always do. The ship is small and Choonies are very strong for little furry ones. They fix their sturdy ropes and make a cradle for the injured craft and with a hip and a hop and a puff, it is hoisted on their shoulders. They will journey to a hidden cave that the Choonies know well from their many centuries in the forests of Ukraine. Huff, puff, huff, puff, huff, puff, over hill and over dale, with four Choonies in the lead and three tiny aliens trudging behind. There is the cave. Even better, it is overgrown and no one will find it behind these bushes. They squeeze the little saucer into the cave and make a comfy nest for her. Immediately, the aliens begin talking to the flying machine. “Gleep, glork, bzzz, bzzz, bzzz, bzzz, spork, spiffle, brat, brat, brat, brat.” It is then that the Choonies hairs tingle. She is alive! “We are so sorry little one. I hope we did not hurt you. You will be safe here. I hope that you are feeling a little better in shelter with a nice nest.” “Oh yes. She feels much better away from that evil city. But we must get further away to begin the healing.” “Poor little saucer. We have bandages and ointment in our backpacks to put on your oweees. We will speak with the wolves and they will protect you from intruders. We will seek the perfect place for you to heal. Rest and be patient friends. We have been guardians of the forests for centuries and have shared in all her secrets. We will return with transportation as soon as we can and get you to sanctuary.”  

     Off they go, back to the meadow where the wolves are waiting. They are curious ones, like all dogs. “Tell us Choonies. Please, please. What news?” “We are sworn to secrecy by the Code of Space, but we must tell you because they need your protection. They are not ancient ones. They are aliens. But they mean no harm. They are innocent explorers ambushed by the humans’ folly. We have moved them to the cave in the hills where they will have shelter for the meantime. We will stay the evening and then go back to the city. If Annie can spare us more time, we will return and move them to a safe place where their ship can heal itself and be ready for the perilous journey home. If they are discovered, silly humans will overrun this place. What a tragedy that would be!” “We will protect them. We grant them sanctuary in our territory and nothing shall harm them. Good luck Choonies.  We must protect our sanctuary. We know you are scoundrels, but you are always true to your word……..ha, ha, ha, ha. Give our regards to Puppy and Coyote.” “Gaaaack. What blackguards you wolves are. No matter. We will return.” With a last “Arooooooooooooooh,” the wolves slip away to patrol their territory.

     The day was long and the little band is weary, but there is one more task to perform. “Let us form the sacred circle and search for the perfect healing stones for this poor little saucer. The world has changed so much that we can no longer trust our memory. This is a place of peace now and our visions will be clear.” But where? Most circles are gone with the onslaught of ignorant humans. But their magic visions sweep the forests. Aha! Deep in the Carpathians in the sacred mountains is the Circle of Glorp, half Choonie and half Elf. He was the first great leader of the forest creatures many millennia ago. “Can we still find it?” The vision says it exists because it is remote and only visible to the chosen. Wonderful! It is a powerful restorative and on a full moon, directly linked to the healing power of Luna, their patron Goddess. If Choonies can remember the old magic, they can help. They must! It is the Code of Space. “It is a full moon in three days. What fortune! We must hurry. We will rise early tomorrow and on with our quest.”

       What a splendid sleep in the quiet by the brook. After tea and a snack and a morning pee of course, our Choonies are soon packed and astride their mighty machines. Vrooom, vroom, vroom. The ancient ones are on the march and on a mission! Hooray! They roar off to the city and their McDonut home. “We need a bold and daring plan my brothers. It is hundreds of kilometers to our destination and we must use the back roads. They are so very rough and the poor little saucer is injured. She must not be discovered. We can find her a safe place to heal in the Carpathians, where humans are scarce.” Frumpbart, their leader, is furiously tweaking his nose, as pensive Choonies do. “Brothers. I have a strange thought. Please hear me out. We all know of the villains in Troyeschina.” “Gaaack, gaaack, murmur, murmur.” “Shhhhhhh lads. Yes, many of them are bad people. But we have a mission. These ruffians have many clever ways to move their plunder to hideouts without detection. Surely they will have a loot wagon that will serve our purpose? She is a little saucer and will not draw a lot of attention. These varlets are not friends, but they are not our enemies. If we can convince them that this is good for business, they will help. Please my brothers. No more muttering. This is an emergency and requires hard decisions. Our aliens must not be detected. This world is not ready for that discovery.” “Of course Frumpbart. Pardon our shock. Choonies and wolves first. Now Choonies and miscreants? What strange times these are!” “Thank you my brothers. I will speak for us. Now for the hard part. Snoop McDonuts has been so busy. But we must ask Annie for a few days. I know she is a generous soul and I pray this can be arranged.  We love our jobs. We have been reborn at Snoop McDonuts and once again the world knows our name and purpose. No time to waste my hearties. Let us hurry to Snoop McDonuts and state our case. Let us put our plan in place at once.” What a procession. The Choonies roar downtown on their little motorcycles. The gang saunters into the café in their leather suits, to the delight of happy children and their mothers. “Choonie-Moonies! Hooray, hooray! We love you Choonies.” The four little ones stop at each table to say hello because they love happy children as much as they love the creatures of their forests. “Oh, oh,” says Annie. “Here’s trouble. You rascals are back so soon.” Hah! So much for Frumpbart’s plan. “Garble, garble, garble. Braack, braack, braack.” Of course all the Choonies talk at once. “Ha, ha, ha. One at a time dears. How funny you are.” “Annie, Annie. We are so sorry. The situation is very serious. We must help. It is our code of honor. May we have some time to rescue strangers? It is so important. The café is so busy, but only Choonie-Moonies can save the day.” “Goodness. You are so serious. Yes, we are busy. But your duty is your first mistress. We will be fine. It is great fun here and our friends will be happy to help.” “Please Annie. Please don’t fire us. We will work extra hard when this is done.” “Oh you rascals? Fire you? Everyone loves you. You are family now. We cannot imagine the McDonuts if there are no Choonies. Without you there is no Snoop McDonuts. Every sensible person is thrilled that the old ways are not completely gone. You are a star attraction and marvelous bakers. You are heroes my dears and if you believe in your task, then we know that it must be done. When you have honored your duty, rest assured that your baker’s aprons will be clean and there will be fresh sheets on your little beds. Always remember that we trust you as we trust ourselves.” “Yippee for Annie! Onward lads. Let it never be said that the Choonie-Moonies did not honor the ancient code.”

      Our Choonies roar to the central square of Troyeschina and wait for the villains to appear. Out they come, ruffians one and all. “What are you doing here? We are not very welcoming to strangers.” “We are the Choonie-Moonies. We have a proposition. Lend us transport for a special mission and we will ask the spirits to bless your dark souls.” “Hah! Bring out the dogs. They will decide your fate.” Out charge the savage beasts, snarling and howling. But wait! They love the Choonies. They turn around twice and lay down and snuggle beside them. “Scratch our heads please, little ones.” “What! You quiet the hellhounds. You are indeed the ancient ones. Perhaps we might use your blessing. Ours is a precarious existence and our Gods are fickle. Very well. We will lend you a Loot Wagon. It is made to be towed by two motorcycles.” “Splendid. It is the perfect size. You will earn our blessing, villains.” The villains laugh. “How will you pull our loot wagon with those little toys?” “These are powerful choppers. The best in the land. Lada engineers built these to our specifications. This will be child’s play for Choonie-Moonies.” “I must say that you are bold little fur balls. You are perhaps not quite villains, but at least scoundrels. Go in peace ancient ones. Take your time. We have many ways to move our swag……hehehe. See you soon my brave little pirates.”  

     They have done it! Like all great leaders, Frumpbart has smoothed the path to success. Vroom, vroom, vroom. Choonies and the loot wagon charge through the streets of the city. “We will pack for the long journey. Puppy and Coyote will protect Annie and Misha and the Kittens. We will hurry back to the wolves’ meadow and camp for an early start tomorrow morning. It is a long and tenuous journey to the heart of the ancient Elf country. Be proud my brothers. The Goddess watches over us. We are strong because we are together.” And so it was.

      The next morning they ride to the deserted human city. “We will bring our ropes and carry the injured one to the loot wagon. We have soft blankets to make her journey more pleasant. Poor little saucer! We will follow the Fairy road in the full moonlight to the center of the Elf country and the healing circle of Glorp. The Elves were great mechanics and blacksmiths. These magic stones will know what to do and she will be quickly healed. To the cave brothers! Let this rescue begin.” The four adventurers call to the aliens from the mouth of the cave. “Kagooooogah, wheeeeeee. Kagooooogah, wheeeeeee. It is the Choonie-Moonies.” The little space monkeys and indeed the saucer are napping in the warm, dark cave. “Wake up sleepy ones. We have a plan, but a long journey still ahead of us. You will feel much better soon saucer.” She is a little less sad after a nice sleep in her comfy nest. It is out of the cave, “Grunt, grunt, grunt, heave ho,” and off to the deserted city. “Huff, puff, huff, puff, huff, puff. Careful lads. Place her in the center of the loot wagon and tuck her in so she is comfy. Now little ones. Into the sidecars. Heads down or you will cause a sensation. It will be many hours before we camp in the forests of the Carpathians.” It is not until well into the second day that the gang of four finally sneak their special cargo through the last human settlements and into the heart of Elf country. “At last. The full moon is tomorrow. The Fairy road that will guide us to the magic circle will be revealed. The road will be too rough, even for our mighty machines. We will eat and sleep well and be ready for our final push.” And so it was.

     Their gentle sleep is hard earned. Nothing will disturb them this deep in the wild country. They must wait until dark and the full moonlight that will reveal the Fairy road, but there is still plenty to do. The Choonies will practice the ancient spells that were almost forgotten. And Annie has packed a giant snack bag to fuel their endeavors. Yuuuummmm! Soon enough the sun is falling and they chant the secret incantations that will reveal the path ahead. “Yes! We still remember. Thank you Luna for your bounty. Come saucer. Up you go. We are near to the secret stones that will ease your suffering. You have been very brave, little one.” The eerie ghost light takes them on a winding path between the gaps beneath the ancient mountains. Closer and closer it seems, because the glow is brighter and brighter. Over a little rise and beside a shimmering waterfall is a wonderful sight. In a blaze of soft Fairy light is the Circle of Glorp, the legend that has lived for all these centuries. It is real! “Quickly brothers. Into the circle with our little friend. We must begin the chant immediately so that Luna may bless us all and this innocent will be granted the power to heal herself before the dawn. The long night passes with the gentle tumble of the waterfall and the soft murmur of chanting Choonies, enthralled by the splendor and majesty of the ancient ways. As dawn breaks, the exhausted Choonies and aliens roll onto their sides and sleep with relief that their odyssey is completed. Even the little pale blue saucer snores gently, safe in the sacred circle.

     One by one and late in the day, the little band awakens to a glorious sight. Saucer is flying again. Look at her bob and weave between the rocks and bushes. What a joy! Hoooray! But it is a somber moment as well. “Well alien friends and little saucer. Now you may travel on your own and the Universe is yours again. We must hurry to our bikes and prepare our return to the city. We have made promises to Annie and the villains that we must keep. Your secret is always safe with Choonie-Moonies.” “Thank you ancient ones. We are touched by your aid and the kindness of your hearts. Our report to the council will be glowing and we will also confirm that the Snoop McDonut is the tastiest in the Universe. Hooray for Choonies!” “Hooray for Aliens! Hooray for saucer!” “We will meet again ancient ones. Your hospitality will not be forgotten and we will return your great favor someday. It is the Code of Space. Farewell friends.” And thus the merry band parted ways until they meet again for the next adventure. The End. 

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